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Incumbent, New Mexico House District 6

Eliseo "Lee" Alcon

Climate Science-Based Policy

  1. Do you agree with climate scientists that we are facing a climate emergency?

    1. Yes

  2. Do you agree with climate scientists that the brunt of the impacts we face due to climate change will be put on those who contributed the least emissions? (The global South, Indigenous, and low-income communities)

    1. Yes

  3. Do you agree with climate scientists that greenhouse gas emissions must be reversed within 6 years in order to achieve carbon neutrality in time to keep global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees and to avoid catastrophic runaway climate disruption? - IPCC Report

    1. Yes:

  4. If elected, what specific policies will you initiate in your first year of service to begin transitioning our state economy from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy within the timeframe set by the world's leading scientist?

    1. I would sponsor incentives to bring businesses specializing in green energy and climate regenerating technology to our state. I would also extend education and incentives about transitioning homes and communities to carbon neutral environments to all areas of our state, so all communities, including the rural and native communities that make up the majority of my district, have the opportunity to benefit from green technology and economic savings.



Community Engagement Questions

  1. What are the current needs or issues you see across the state, city, or county and how do you plan on addressing those issues if you are elected?

    1. Job Growth-provide incentives to bring responsible businesses to our rural communities, and make opening a small local business easier.

    2. Environmental Protection-hold corporations accountable for their imprint on our state.

    3. Education-Continue working to get new or remodeled schools in all areas of my district. Support initiatives that encourage New Mexico residents to join teaching profession and return to their home communities to help children understand traditions and local issues.

  2. What is your vision of the ideal relationship between communities and environmental/climate justice?

    1. I see an open and respectful collaboration between communities and environmental/climate justice. Both sides need to give to make any traction at all.

  3. What role do you believe communities actively play in policy development? Especially when addressing issues that have been inherited and faced for generations?

    1. Communities know what is important to their areas. They are the people who live, work, learn, and play-they need to have a driving force in policy development. Communities need to have a voice to protect future generations, as we are currently living in a world where each generation has inherited consequences of short-sighted goals.

  4. What changes will you propose so that community driven solutions have equitable influence over policy-making, and are valued as much if not more than private profit driven solutions?

    1. As chairman of the Labor, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee, I ensure that community driven solutions are provided the opportunity to share their concerns and ideas with my committee. I would promote my open-door policy for all New Mexicans so they can share their ideas and solutions, because new policies are all hatched from innovative ideas.

  5. How do you plan on engaging communities and youth in policy development or proposals?

    1. I would love to develop a youth-driven task force to help share the importance of participating in policy development and civic involvement. Students today will be inheriting this planet, and their ideas and intellect deserve to be a strong voice when decisions for the future are made.

  6. Describe your previous experience working on social/health/environmental justice issues, do you have experience working with impacted communities to co-develop solutions?  How will you use this experience to tackle the climate crisis?

    1. I have been a state representative for over a decade, and have fought for social, health and environmental issues. I have developed strong bonds with conservation organizations and am proud that they are able to come to me with issues and concerns that affect our state. I will continue to use my experience to negotiate conservation initiatives so we can work to repair the current climate damage and prevent further destruction.



A Just Transition

  1. What connections do you believe exist between our state/local economy and budget and environmental and climate impacts? How will you work to ensure that the state/local budget fosters economic, environmental, and climate justice?

    1. Currently our state economy and budget are heavily reliant on fossil fuel proceeds. While our state recognizes the importance of environmental awareness, it has not focused on the importance of equalizing the budget to support environmental, climate and economic justice initiatives. We need to work to adjust the budget to support the shifting pendulum toward climate recovery and preservation.

  2. How do you see the role of oil and gas corporations in New Mexico’s future as a result of the climate crisis?

    1. The world will continue to rely on oil and gas, but we absolutely need to regulate the production to help ensure a safe environment.

  3. Define environmental racism in your own words and provide an example in NM.

    1. Environmental racism is the practice of one group of people taking advantage of another groups environment and making that environment worse (ex: by dumping waste, building a landfill, starting a mining operation). One example is the uranium waste and toxicity that was left behind when mines in Western New Mexico closed. The mining companies tore into the mountains that belonged to indigenous groups and rural communities, failed to protect them from hazards and then abandoned the waste without a care for the people living next door.

  4. How will you be playing a role in a just transition away from fossil fuels for NM?

    1. I will continue to support incentives toward renewable energy production and find a way to replenish the royalties that we will lose from oil and gas.

  5. Do you believe climate action is an issue of intergenerational justice? What is the responsibility of your generation to the youth and future generations if elected? Explain.

    1. I believe that climate action is an issue of intergenerational justice. My generation's responsibility is to make sure that our world is better and safer for our children and grandchildren. We need to work to make our air clean, water clear and land healthy.

  6. How can pollution and contamination impact our youth and communities?

    1. They can adversely impact youth and community members health, safety and economic stability.

  7. How will you include Traditional Land Based Knowledge when developing policy?

    1. Traditional land based knowledge is a key comp

  8. If elected, will you support investing some of the money from oil and gas revenues to fund A) dedicated resources for a Just Transition Study to model alternative economic pathways for our state including oil and gas revenue replacement and phase-down          B) create a just transition fund to invest in community-driven climate planning for local economies to divest from harmful industries and build alternative economic visions and investments that effectively contribute to climate mitigation and community health?  Explain.

    1. Yes. Diversifying our budget and increasing environmentally sound sources of revenue is important for our future.

  9. Name specific alternative sources for state/local revenue that you'd pursue and propose if elected

    1. Tax gambling, alcohol, tobacco etc.

  10. Do you support the development of Hydrogen energy, nuclear energy, and/or carbon capture and sequestration in NM? Why or Why Not?

    1. Yes, as long as the practices are safe and not a result of fracking.

  11. Do you support community ownership of energy where Cities/Counties/Indigenous Nations are able to own, produce, and sell electricity to residents and keep energy dollars local?

    1. Yes, I have voted for measures like this in past legislation.

  12. What do you believe is the fossil fuel industry/utility’s responsibility for cleanup and how as an elected official in the public office for which you are running do you plan to hold industry accountable for pollution and cleanup?

    1. They have enormous responsibility for cleaning up their waste. I would work to ensure that oversight organizations have the authority and backing of the law to hold industry accountable.

  13. Do you support the State Land Office’s moratorium/prohibition on new oil and gas leasing on state trust lands within one mile of schools or other educational facilities?  Would you support legislation to create  a public health buffer zone prohibiting oil and gas drilling within one mile of schools on ALL NM lands?

    1. Yes

  14. Have you accepted any donations from fossil fuel companies or utilities? 

    1. Yes

  15. Can you commit to not accepting donations or funds from fossil fuel companies if you are elected?

    1. Yes

  16. What are your ideas to loosen the grip of industry on the state legislature and strengthen our democracy?

    1. Increase regulations on lobbyists

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