Candidate, New Mexico State Senate
District 26

Julie Radoslovich
Climate Science-Based Policy
Do you agree with climate scientists that we are facing a climate emergency?
Do you agree with climate scientists that the brunt of the impacts we face due to climate change will be put on those who contributed the least emissions? (The global South, Indigenous, and low-income communities)
Do you agree with climate scientists that greenhouse gas emissions must be reversed within 6 years in order to achieve carbon neutrality in time to keep global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees and to avoid catastrophic runaway climate disruption? https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/ - IPCC Report
If elected, what specific policies will you initiate in your first year of service to begin transitioning our state economy from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy within the timeframe set by the world's leading scientist?
Shifting our local state economy from an extractive to a regenerative orientation in New Mexico will require a bold, multidimensional approach that reflects the gravity of the climate crisis. To spur the transition, we must:
- advance an embrace of renewable energy through build-out of clean energy infrastructure and tax incentives for businesses investing in related technologies.
- bolster sustainable practices under that umbrella such as permaculture and organic farming.
- collaborate with the federal governement, other states as appropriate, and community organizations to maximize resources and programmatic support for a transition to a regenerative economy.
- comprehensively overhaul the Oil & Gas Act and pass a Green Amendment.
Community Engagement Questions
What are the current needs or issues you see across the state, city, or county and how do you plan on addressing those issues if you are elected?
We are in the throes of a water crisis, plain and simple. I will advance creative, comprehensive legislation to support water resilience strategies from both a state level as well as in localized communities. I will move to develop Universal Basic Income to combat the economic strife that is afflicting New Mexico families, particularly those providing care for ailing or elderly family members. And I will work to move a Green Amendment forward to passage.
What is your vision of the ideal relationship between communities and environmental/climate justice?
My vision of the ideal relationship between communities and environmental/climate justice is one characterized by equity, empowerment, and collaboration. In an ideal model, communities are active participants in decision-making processes that affect their environment and well-being, and environmental/climate justice is prioritized in all aspects of governance and policy-making.
What role do you believe communities actively play in policy development? Especially when addressing issues that have been inherited and faced for generations?
Communities already have the solutions to policy challenges and their wisdom - particularly with respect to those problems that have endured for generations - must be respected and foregrounded in the development of legislation.
What changes will you propose so that community driven solutions have equitable influence over policy-making, and are valued as much if not more than private profit driven solutions?
To ensure that community-driven solutions have equitable influence over policy-making and are valued as much, if not more, than private profit-driven solutions, I would promote equity impact assessments, strategies to build community wealth, and regulatory reform to support inclusive decision-making processes as well as improve transparency and accountability at the Roundhouse. We must comprehensively modernize oil and gas legislation.
How do you plan on engaging communities and youth in policy development or proposals?
I plan on maintaining continuous, consistent, dynamic, and engaged partnerships with youth and community stakeholders on policy. I will not just materialize sporadically but work in ongoing dialogue on the most pressing issues facing New Mexico, chief among which is the climate crisis.
Describe your previous experience working on social/health/environmental justice issues, do you have experience working with impacted communities to co-develop solutions? How will you use this experience to tackle the climate crisis?
I have an extensive background working in collaboration with community to address policy issues, including advocating for immigrant rights and the rights of mixed status households as a teacher and principal at a Title 1 public school. I would bring the same spirit of collaboraiton to ackling the climate crisis.
A Just Transition
What connections do you believe exist between our state/local economy and budget and environmental and climate impacts? How will you work to ensure that the state/local budget fosters economic, environmental, and climate justice?
Environmental/climate impacts, our local economy, and the state budget are inherently intertwined. New Mexico relies heavily on revenue from extractive industries such as oil and gas. However, these industries have the most corrosive consequences for our rural and frontline communities as well as our population at large, to say nothing of their devastating ramifications for our wildlife and natural ecosystems. It's imperative that we diversify revenue sources to reduce reliance on environmentally harmful industries and invest in sustainable alternatives. We must prioritize state investments in renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, conservation efforts, and climate resilience.
How do you see the role of oil and gas corporations in New Mexico’s future as a result of the climate crisis?
The urgency of mitigating climate change cannot be overstated. Oil and gas extraction has historically been a significant component of New Mexico's economy. However, the long-term viability of the fossil fuel industry is uncertain due to declining reserves, fluctuating commodity prices, and increasing regulation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, there is a need to diversify the state's economy and invest in industries that are less reliant on fossil fuels.As New Mexico embraces renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal, the demand for traditional fossil fuels is expected to decline. We must reduce methane emissions and shift to clean energy with the decisive action that our current climate crisis warrants.
Define environmental racism in your own words and provide an example in NM.
Environmental racism is disproportionate burden of environmental hazards and pollution shouldered by marginalized communities, particularly communities of color and low-income communities. In New Mexico, frontline communities closest to environmental hazards are often tribal and Indigenous populations. The history of uranium mining and its ongoing fallout is perhaps the starkest example of enviromental racism in New Mexico. Many of the communities exposed to the toxic effects of these mines continue to suffer from inadequate cleanup efforts and limited access to healthcare and resources for addressing the legacy of contamination.
How will you be playing a role in a just transition away from fossil fuels for NM?
In the Legislature, I will advocate for policies that prioritize equity, sustainability, and economic justice. We must champion renewable energy, support the expansion of green jobs, and incorporate the expertise of tribal and Indigenous communities into agenadas for those undertakings.
Do you believe climate action is an issue of intergenerational justice? What is the responsibility of your generation to the youth and future generations if elected? Explain.
Climate action is absolutely an issue of intergenerational justice. The decisions we make today regarding climate change will have profound impacts on younger and future generations, for whom the climate crisis will have life-or-death consequences. As such, it is the responsibility of my generation (Generation X) and millennials to take meaningful action to address the climate crisis and ensure a sustainable and livable world. We must ensure intergenerational equity and that youth perspectives are represented in bold climate legislation.
How can pollution and contamination impact our youth and communities?
Pollution and contamination can have psychological and social effects on youth. Living in polluted environments can contribute to mental health problems and social dislocation. They can also impact educational outcomes for youth by affecting school attendance, concentration, and academic performance. Children living in polluted environments may experience higher rates of absenteeism, cognitive impairments, and/or developmental delays that hinder their ability to succeed academically. Of course, pollution degrades overall quality of life and increases risks of deleterious impacts to health outcomes.
How will you include Traditional Land Based Knowledge when developing policy?
I would engage Indigenous and tribal community stakeholders in the policymaking process with full recognition of Traditional Land Based Knowledge as a source of wisdom and innovation. Consultation and collaboration must also operate from a point of departure that honors the sovereignty and community self-determination of tribal collaborators.
If elected, will you support investing some of the money from oil and gas revenues to fund A) dedicated resources for a Just Transition Study to model alternative economic pathways for our state including oil and gas revenue replacement and phase-down B) create a just transition fund to invest in community-driven climate planning for local economies to divest from harmful industries and build alternative economic visions and investments that effectively contribute to climate mitigation and community health? Explain.
Building alternative economic visions and investments that contribute to climate mitigation and community health requires resources and support. By creating a Just Transition Fund, we can invest in community-driven climate planning and support local economies in divesting from harmful industries and transitioning towards sustainable and resilient economic models. This transition would require careful planning and analysis of alternative economic pathways. By investing in a dedicated Just Transition Study, we can model different scenarios for transitioning away from reliance on oil and gas revenues, explore alternative economic opportunities, and assess the potential impacts on communities, workers, and the environment.
Name specific alternative sources for state/local revenue that you'd pursue and propose if elected
I would support renewable energy development; expansion of outdoor tourism and recreation; green infrastructure projects; buildout of our existing foundation in film and television; and green workforce development as well as agricutlural initiatives.
Do you support the development of Hydrogen energy, nuclear energy, and/or carbon capture and sequestration in NM? Why or Why Not?
I support the development of authentically green hydrogen energy as part of a diversified and sustainable energy portfolio. While nuclear energy is a low-carbon source of electricity, it presents egregious safety, environmental, and economic concerns. Carbon capture cannot be treated as a substitute for a robust transititon to renewable energy.
Do you support community ownership of energy where Cities/Counties/Indigenous Nations are able to own, produce, and sell electricity to residents and keep energy dollars local?
Yes, community ownership empowers local populations, drives energy independence, and strengthens equity.
What do you believe is the fossil fuel industry/utility’s responsibility for cleanup and how as an elected official in the public office for which you are running do you plan to hold industry accountable for pollution and cleanup?
I believe it's crucial to hold the fossil fuel industry and utilities accountable for pollution and cleanup in New Mexico. To do so, we need to advance regulatory frameworks that have teeth. I support the "polluter pays" principle, meaning that fossil fuel companies and utilities should bear the financial costs of cleaning up environmental contamination caused by their operations. We must revise the Oil & Gas Act to lift liability caps for corporations that perpetrate harm through pollution and environmental damage. I would prioritize community engagement and empowerment in the cleanup process, ensuring that affected communities have a voice in decision-making and that their concerns and needs are addressed.
Do you support the State Land Office’s moratorium/prohibition on new oil and gas leasing on state trust lands within one mile of schools or other educational facilities? https://www.nmstatelands.org/2023/06/01/commissioner-garcia-richard-bans-new-oil-and-gas-leasing-within-one-mile-of-schools/ Would you support legislation to create a public health buffer zone prohibiting oil and gas drilling within one mile of schools on ALL NM lands?
Have you accepted any donations from fossil fuel companies or utilities?
Can you commit to not accepting donations or funds from fossil fuel companies if you are elected?
What are your ideas to loosen the grip of industry on the state legislature and strengthen our democracy?
Loosening the grip of industry on the state legislature is a complex challenge that will require complex strategies such as:
- in-state campaign finance reform
- scaling up transparency and accountability via ethics regulations and policy encompassing lobbying efforts within the state
- expanding voting access through models like the universal vote-by-mail template pioneered by Washington state